30 Days of Thanks ~ Sara Simbro

During the month of November, Help-A-Heart is putting the spotlight on various ways people support and donate to our organization throughout the year.  Obviously, attending one of our annual fundraisers–the Celebration of Life Dinner & Silent Auction in June & the Superhero Heart Run in October–are two big ways you can further our cause!  We also receive several cash donations online through our website or mailed to us throughout the year.  However, we are humbled & encouraged by the unique ways some of our heart families & their friends choose to support us & wanted to make sure they know how much we appreciate these special gestures.  We’ll be posting a few ideas a week as a part of our 30 Days of Thanks!

Thank you to Sara Simbro for writing up this blog post about how she uses her talents to donate to Help-A-Heart.

Help-A-Heart became close to my heart when I met Darin & Emily Graber and their family at church about 9 years ago. That first year I went to the annual Help-A-Heart auction, I was hooked.  The mission for this organization and the impact they were making really touched my heart. I knew I wanted to help in any way I could!  As Emily and I became friends, I started by asking how I could help. There are so many ways to help, from serving at the different events, to donating money, gift cards and time. 
I own a small business and I thought it would be a good way to serve. I started by offering free layout and design help on flyers, brochures and postcards to promote and get their mission out in the hands of those who need it. I was also able to help with letterhead, business cards, envelopes and labels.  Emily has asked me to do several different design and print jobs throughout the years. About 5 years ago I added photography to my list of services and saw an opportunity to donate gift certificates that could be purchased at the annual auction with 100% of the profit going to Help-A-Heart.
Logo designed by Sara Simbro in 2015
In 2015, I was honored to have Emily ask me to help design a new logo for Help-A-Heart. They had the great opportunity to have a team of designers get their website and other marketing tools put together. Emily and I worked together along with the team to create a logo design that really says who they are. I hope to be able to continue supporting Help-A-Heart in any way I can as they continue on in their mission to help those who need support and encouragement. It is a major blessing to me to be able to be a tiny part of the big picture in what Help-A-Heart is doing! I believe when we all give a little, together we can accomplish BIG things! 

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