Summer Potluck

We are so excited for this year’s potluck at the Valley Community Center! Help-A-Heart will be providing the meal (hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, pasta salad, watermelon, water and lemonade) and would love for families to bring bars, cookies, or desserts to share! A big thank you to Eric Woodard for donating his time to cater our meal. We are planning on a night of great food, conversations and games! Please RSVP with how many adults and kids will be attending to [email protected] by July 19 so we have enough food. Meal will be inside and we will have access to the indoor playground, conference room, cafe and outdoor playground. The outdoor playground will be open to the public as well.

*Please Note: these meetings are for heart families, but we welcome any volunteers for nursery, set-up or tear down. Contact Wendy at [email protected]*
RSVP to Wendy Meyer at [email protected] or check out our Facebook event: